
Maybe it would be better to have a single folder with files of usernames and their roles in the filename.
Double underscore __ might be good to separate the roles from usernames.
Having roles followed by usernames be better. Example: Regular__Username.txt | Administrator__Username.txt
However having to edit filename letter by letter instead of drag and drop into folders might be an issues. Can introduce mistakes: misspelling the role while editing filename. https://github.com/Public-Domain-Laboratories/Operating-System/tree/Rework-Operating-System/Operating_System-/Users/Operating_System/Users

Folder of Users, their data and user-wide programs.

Folders are capitalization-case-insensitive.

The Username? can be used to open path to the current user data files folder.
? is a suffix to denote variable expression.




Relative path to the User can be gained with Username?/

Users and Usernames should be encrypted unless viewed by Administrator.

Alias: Homes, Profiles, Accounts.